Saturday, January 01, 2005

bad weather journey

there was a girl who was preparing for a journey. it was a long journey, and she prepared for it for a long time. she had to go alone, and so she needed many supplies. also, it was a bad time of the year to begin a journey, unlucky. it was the winter time, and everyone knows that is not the best time to travel. on the night before she was to begin, a freezing rain fell and coated the roads with ice. in the morning it began to snow and blow. and so she was delayed. the next day the sun came out and shone on the ice, and it began to look hopeful again. once more she prepared to leave in the morning. but that night, a winter storm watch went out for the place that she was. and as night fell, again it began to snow and the wind began to blow. and in the morning she wasn't sure if she should go or not. and all these things made her hesitate. and even more, she hesitated because it was such a long journey and she was afraid. and she wished that she could take her dog along, as company and as protection, but she had to go alone to make this journey.


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